'Hiding in a screen'.
WWW, (what went well): I incorporated use of the special effect, 'super expose', (seen when myself, Clare O'Mara reads the messages sent from the cyber bully, played by Kathryn Clark, this symbolises the main character reading the messages sent, but as well so the audience can read the messages from the main character's point of view). By using this special effect will then makes my advertisement appear more professional and original as it is uncommon for social messaging campaign adverts to include use of special effects, such as super expose.
WWW, (what went well): Also in my advertisement I included text layed upon my footage of my advert, this is so my audience could remain watching the advert but still understand the message being communicated to them, which in this case is, 'Stay connect. Stay safe' this message means myself and the company wish the audience to still use the Internet/social networking sites but use safetly.
WWW, (what went well): In the end of the advertisement I also included use of helpful websites and phone numbers, this is so if the audience wish to request help on issues involving cyber bullying then the audience will feel comforted knowing there are websites and people available to help those who are and may be a victim of cyber bullying.
EBI, (even better if): However I can improve my advertisement by included the logo more boldly and clearly instead of the logo being included subliminally, (the logo is seen when the main character exists the location). Therefore this advert can be improved by including the company, ('Connescast') logo more clearly in order for the audience to understand that this advertisement is official and professional.
EBI, (even better if): As well as this advert can be improved by displaying the main character's emotions more clearly, this is so the audience is able to understand the storyline/situation more efficiently as they understand how cyber bullying may effect a person.
EBI, (even better if): On the other hand this social messaging campaign advertisement can be improved more successfully by slowing down the footage; this is because the audience may find the advertisement confusing and unappealing as the advert has been sped up, (the reason behind speeding up the duration of the footage was so the storyline is still be included without having to remove any important footage which will play a key part in the storyline of the advertisement). Therefore this social messaging campaign advertisement can be improved by decreasing the speed of the original footage.
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