Friday, 7 November 2014

Music Video Production.

What did you film?
For our music video we filmed ourselves lip-synching to the music, locations of the area as well as capturing any emotions/body language, this is so the storyline of the music video becomes more clear to understand, the audience understand whom the artists are and so the music video becomes more conventional.

When did you film?
For our music video we first filmed on the 16th October 2014, this was in the location of Rose Hill Park; we filmed in this location as we had a large amount of space as well as natural lighting which provided appealing and professional footage. We then filmed on the 21st October 2014, this was in the location of Modern; we decided to film in this location as it had a wide range of appealing settings that we thought would make the music video become more successful and appealing to watch for the audience.

- WWW (what went well):
Our music contains a wide range of lip-synching which is clear to understand by the audience, making the music video appear more successful for the audience watching.

- WWW (what went well):
We have a wide range of cut away scenes, (such as location shots) which we will use in order for our music video to become more conventional as well as making the storyline of the music video to become easier to understand.

WWW (what went well):
We also filmed in an area which provided a wide range of space, this then made the music video safer and easier to film, for ourselves and others.

- EBI (even better if):
We could improve our music video so far by including more performance shots within the music video, this is so the audience will enjoy watching the video more.

-EBI (even better if):
The music video could also be improved if more different shot/angle types are included within the music video, this is so the video becomes more conventional as well as so the audience can see the artist's emotions more clearly.

-EBI (even better if):
Also for the music video I could include the use of slow motion in order for the video to appear more interesting and appealing for the audience watching.

Did you need to reshoot anything? If you have already reshot it, what made it better than before?For our music video we did not reshoot any of out footage, this is because we decided our footage was successful and any footage we disliked we decided that we would edit any of it to make to become more successful and professional appearing for the audience watching.

Did you stick to your storyboards?

We did stick to our storyboards for our music video but the only time we didn't is when we decided to add more footage to make the music video become more successful and conventional for the audience watching.

Were you well prepared enough?Myself and Khrystlyn Wilson was very well prepared for filming our music video due to the fact we was fully aware of the area of the location, what each location has to offer as well as we only looked ahead to check how the weather may be during the day we decided to film our music video. Therefore myself and Khrystlyn Wilson was well prepared as we was fully aware of how the footage may appear when we finished filming on a set date.

What have you learned about filming from this experience?I have learned from filming from my experience is that in order to film and record footage successfully you must book experiment at least 24 hours before the day for filming, be aware of what to expect from each location, try to film in a location that offers a large amount of space in order to avoid injures of ourselves and others as well as bring a costume type that relates to your artist and song in order for the audience to relate to the artists/characters more easily as well as so the storyline of the music video to become more clear to understand.

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