Friday, 16 May 2014

Market research- Existing products.

Social Message Campaigns:

Research of conventions and techniques used by social message campaigns.

Examples of social message campaigns:

Anti-Bullying advertisement example:

1.) What is the advertisement for?
This advert is an anti-bullying campaign. The advert is for the audience to realize how bullying can affect people/the victim.

2.) What techniques are used?
the types of techniques used is compassion. The audience feel sympathy for the character in the advert as the character speaks of how much bullying has affect her.

3.) What style is the advertisement?
The style of this advert id dramatic this is because the advertisement is communicating a serious issue to the audience watching. This is used so the audience realize how important bullying is and how much is can affect people. (It can affect people both mentally and physically).

4.) What form does this advertisement take?
 The form this type of advertisement involves is an realistic narrative. This type of form is used for this advertisement because the audience will relate more to the advert if it is realistic. Also the audience will understand the issue being communicated more if it is realistic and appears to be based around a true story.

5.) What conventions of advertising can we see?
The types of conventions used for this advert is that music is included though out the advert. The audience may not be aware that music is playing in the background as it is very low. This is so the audience can still understand what the character is saying but music is still included so the advert appears more professional. Also another convention used for this advert is that a message is being communicated though out this is so the audience fully understand the reason behind the advertisement.

6.) Who is the target audience for the advertisement and how can you tell?
The target audience for this advertisement is male and females aged 8-18 years of age. This because a young female is used in the advert in order to appeal to people aged 8-18 years. And so the audience fully understand that bullying can affect any age group.

Driving Safety advertisement example:

1.) What is the advertisement for?

This is an advert for driving safety. This advert is for the audience to be aware of road and driving safety. And all drivers have the responsibility to drive safely as it could save lives. And if driver users are not driving safely then they are putting themselves and others at risk. Therefore the reason behind this advert is to make the audience realize how serious driving is.

2.) What techniques are used?
The types of techniques used for this advert is fear this is because the audience may fear that they are not driving safe enough when on the road driving which puts other at risk.

3.) What style is the advertisement?
The style of this advert is dramatic this is because it is serious and important message that is being communicated to the audience. And the only way to communicate a serious issue to people watching is by making the advert dramatic. Another style used in this advertisement is surreal this is because two moving cars quickly stop moving and the world around them becomes slow motion. This is used so the audience clearly see the actions that speeding costs and to realize that speeding can affect many people even if they are not driving and unaware of the situation being made. Therefore the advert is used is make the audience aware of road safety and others while driving.

4.) What form does this advertisement take?
The form type of this advertisement is a anti-realistic narrative. This type of form is used to make the audience understand and be fully aware of driving and road safety. Also to make the audience realize that they have a chance to save themselves and other people's live.

5.) What conventions of advertising can we see?
The types of conventions used for this advert is a message is being clearly communicated to the audience watching this is included within the advert to make the audience understand the meaning behind the advert. (The meaning behind the advert is to only drive at a certain speed and to be fully aware of the speed limit while driving).

6.) Who is the target audience for the advertisement and how can you tell?The target audience for this advert is males and females aged 18-60 years of age this is because only a certain age group can begin driving so the advertisement must only aim the overall message at the legal age for people to begin driving. Also this advert is target for people aged 18-60 years of age because it is an issue only adults will be able to fully understand and may relate to. And the advert is aimed at both genders as it is an issue that affects and applies both males and females.

Donating blood advertisement:

1.) What is the advertisement for?
This advert is for donating blood and to spread awareness for people who need blood for other people in order to survive.

2.) What techniques are used?
The types of techniques used for this advert is compassion this is because the audience will feel sympathy for people who lives may be at risk as they blood to be donated to them in order to save their life.

3.) What style is the advertisement?
The style of this advert is dramatic this is used so the audience fully understand how important how donating to blood to other people is, and how it can save other people's lives.

4.) What form does this advertisement take? The types of form used for this advert is a reals tic narrative this is used to make the audience realist and understand how important donating blood. And by using an realistic narrative will make the audience aware of other people who are in need of blood.

5.) What conventions of advertising can we see?
The conventions used for this advert is a message is being communicated to the audience watching this is used so the audience understand the being behind the advert. Also logo is displayed at the end of the advert this is so the audience understand this advert is official. And music is included in parts of the advert to make it seem more dramatic this is used to make the message more serious for the audience watching.

6.) Who is the target audience for the advertisement and how can you tell?The target audience for this advert is males and females aged 16-60 years of age this is because the advert is communicating a serious issue and an issue to make other people aware that donating blood can save many people's lives.

Railway safety advertisement:

1.) What is the advertisement for?This advert is for to spread awareness to the audience about railway safety this is so the audience understands about railway safety in order to safe and make others aware and safe.

2.) What techniques are used?
The types of techniques used for this advert is an emotional response which in this case is fear. This is because using this type of technique will make the audience realize how serious railway safety is and how it can affect people in many ways.

3.) What style is the advertisement?The style of this advert is dramatic this is due to the fact using this type of style will make the audience understand more clearly about railway safety in order to stay while around railways.

4.) What form does this advertisement take?The form of this advert is an realist narrative this is so the advertisement becomes more real, meaning full and serious. Also by using this type of form will help the audience understand about railway safety this is because by including a family that many audiences can relate to makes the advertisement become more realistic as the audience are relating to the characters included in this advert.

5.) What conventions of advertising can we see?
The types of conventions used for for this advert is a message clearly being communicated to the audience watching this is because the audience become more aware about railway safety by watching this advertisement. Therefore because the audience becomes more aware of railway safety shows a message is clearly being communicated to the audience watching. Also a logo appears at the end of the advert this is used so the audience are aware that this advert is official and serious.

6.) Who is the target audience for the advertisement and how can you tell?
The target audience for this advertisement is males and females aged 5-90 this is due to the fact a family of many different generations are used this is used so the audience relate to the characters more this is because the characters used are a stereotyped family, (the stereotyped family is the father, mother, son and daughter). Therefore the advertisement are appealing to both males and females as it is an issue that affects both males and females and people aged 5-90 years of age.

Cyber bullying advertisement:

1.) What is the advertisement for?
This advert is to spread awareness for cyber bulling and for people who may be at risk of being bullied online as well to create awareness for people who have been previously been bullied though the use of social networking sites.

2.) What techniques are used?
The type of technique used for this advertisement is an emotional response which in this case is compassion. This is due to the fact that the audience feel sympathy for the characters within in the advert as it shows a young female being a victim for cyber bullying. Therefore using this type of technique makes the advert appear more realistic and serious for the audience watching.

3.) What style is the advertisement?The types of techniques used for this advert is, dramatic. This technique is used in order for the advert to become more serious for the audience watching.
4.) What form does this advertisement take?
The form of the advertisement is an realistic narrative this is so the advert becomes more relatable and realistic.

5.) What conventions of advertising can we see?
The types of conventions used for this advert is that this advertisement tells you about the message being communicated this is included in this advert so the audience clearly understand the meaning behind the advert. Another convention that is used in this advert is that a logo is clearly presented the end of the advertisement this is so the audience clearly understand that this advert is official and has a logical meaning behind, (which is to help stop cyber bullying).

6.) Who is the target audience for the advertisement and how can you tell?

The target audience for this advert is male and females aged 13-30 years of age. This is due to the fact that this age group is stereotyped and most likely to use social networking sites. Therefore this advertisement is targeting people aged 13-30 years of age because this age group use social networking most often. (Such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

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